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Why it's essential:

  • A cyberattack is when someone tries to access, damage, or mess with your information or computer systems without your permission. This could be to steal your data, demand money, or just cause trouble.

  • How do I keep my home network safe from hackers? Start by changing the default passwords on your router, use a strong and unique password, keep your router's firmware updated, and ensure your Wi-Fi is encrypted with WPA3.

  • Ransomware is a nasty type of malware that locks your files and demands a ransom to unlock them. To avoid this, keep your software updated, use trusted antivirus software, and regularly back up your important data.

  • Yes, if you use reputable providers who use strong security measures like encryption and multifactor authentication. Always check the security practices of your cloud service provider.

  • ​MFA is a security step that requires you to provide two or more pieces of verification to access your accounts. This could be a password and a code sent to your phone or a fingerprint scan, adding an extra layer of protection.

  • Phishing attempts usually have spelling mistakes, fake links, urgent requests for personal info, and email addresses that don't quite match. Always double-check suspicious emails before clicking any links or providing information.

  • A firewall is a security tool that monitors and controls your network traffic based on set rules. It acts like a barrier between your network and the outside world, blocking unauthorized access and keeping your data safe.

  • Regular software updates include security patches that fix known vulnerabilities. Keeping your software updated helps protect your systems from hackers who exploit these weaknesses.

  • Encryption turns your data into a code that only authorized people can read. It’s essential because it keeps your information private and secure, ensuring only the right people can access it.

  • A DDoS attack floods an online service with too much traffic, making it unavailable to real users. It's like a traffic jam that blocks access to your website or online services.

  • Be careful with requests for personal or business info, even if they seem legit. Always verify who is asking and don’t share confidential details without making sure it’s a genuine request.

  • Information security policies are guidelines your company sets to protect its information. They tell everyone how to handle, store, and protect sensitive info to reduce security risks.

  • IoT refers to devices connected to the internet that can share data, like smart thermostats or security cameras. Risks include these devices being hacked, which can lead to unauthorized access to your data or other systems.

  • Signs of malware include slow performance, weird pop-up windows, programs starting by themselves, or changes to your browser settings. Use antivirus software to scan and remove any malware.

Cybersecurity FAQs

Why Cloudigan IT?

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We perform in-depth checks to find and fix weak spots in your systems, keeping you safe from potential threats before they can become a problem.

Vulnerability Assessments

Our advanced software solutions detect and remove malware, ensuring your systems stay clean and your business runs smoothly.

Malware Protection

We safeguard your cloud-stored data with top-notch encryption and strict access controls, giving you peace of mind about your digital security.​

Cloud Security

We train your team to spot and avoid phishing scams and other cyber threats, empowering them to help protect your business.

Cybersecurity Training

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Our round-the-clock monitoring keeps an eye on your systems, allowing us to quickly detect and respond to any security issues that arise.

Continuous Monitoring

A calming office space thanks to Managed IT services


Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, ensuring confidentiality and preventing data breaches that can lead to financial loss, reputational damage, and legal implications.


Helps to comply with regulations and mandates so you avoid penalties, legal consequences, and regulatory scrutiny.


Lessens or eliminates downtime from attacks and predators, increased productivity and financial gain


Build trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders by demonstrating a commitment to protecting their information.

Where do cyberattacks start?

a graphic depicting a hacker preying on a small business in need of managed IT services

Attackers send emails that appear to be from trusted sources to trick recipients into revealing confidential information, such as passwords or credit card details.


Malicious software designed to damage or infiltrate systems. Common types include viruses, worms, and trojans, which can steal data or damage IT infrastructure.

Brute Force

Attackers use software to guess passwords by trying numerous combinations until the correct one is found.

Open Wifi

Connecting to public Wi-Fi networks without adequate protection can allow attackers to intercept data and access personal or business information.

Social Engineering

Attackers manipulate people into revealing confidential information or performing actions that compromise their system’s security.


Managing IT can be stressful, but we’re here to lighten the load. Our Managed IT Service is designed to take a personalized approach to take care of all your tech needs. That way, you can focus on running your business, stress-free

We do IT so you don't have to.

Building blocks showing the importance of Cybersecurity services for small businesses
A small business's devices being used securely and safely with syber security measures in place.
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